The juicy chickweed is just starting to pop up out of the ground and shine its brilliant white star-shaped flower (the meaning of the first part of its botanical name, or genus, Stellaria). It's one of my fave wild greens to munch on for a snack, add to salads, or make wild pesto from. It's also a great spring tonic to fortify our bodies after the long winter. Are those the kinds of things you'd love to know? Or did you already know that, but want to know more about the most common and some less common plants of the eastern and central US, including how to identify them, grow them, harvest them, and make food and medicine out of them? Well, you're in luck! The 2018 Wild Foraging & Herbal Medicine Making Apprenticeship program is starting sooner than you can say Stellaria! Here's all the details. Note that we have a brand new location, just outside of Asheville, to make it more convenient with lots of foraging spots! Because this program is so hands-on, there are a very limited number of spaces available, so register now. There are a lot of herbal education programs out there, many more expensive than mine. So, what makes this one different? This program is completely hands-on and almost completely outdoors, in the natural habitat of the plants! Every season, apprentices rave about what a unique experience this is, offering what they've always looked for, but never been able to find.
From a previous apprentice: "[The apprenticeship] has been one of the best and most rewarding experiences I have ever had. I have learned so much from Abby and plan to continue. I would highly recommend to anyone who has an opportunity to attend a class, workshop, or her WANDER School, to DO IT!" - Lisa S. Past apprentices have valued the gift of a day a week spent in nature. That simple time is life changing. Throughout the seasons, we become a close community, connecting to the earth, the plants, and each other, growing and learning together. This program is for all levels of plant enthusiasts, removing intimidation and fear of wild plant identification, teaching basic to intermediate botany, demonstrating herbal formulating techniques and so much more through a mix of the following and more (*season and weather dependent):
Apprenticeship Dates (subject to change) Wednesdays 10-4:00 at Sacred Mountain Sanctuary in Candler, NC Spring: 4/11, 4/18, 4/25, 5/2, 5/9, 5/16, 5/23, 5/30 Summer: 6/20, 6/27, no class July 4th, 7/11, 7/18, 7/25, 8/1, 8/8, 8/15 Fall: 8/29, 9/5, no class 9/12, 9/19, 9/26, 10/3, 10/10, 10/17, 10/24 $480/season, or $200 off if you sign up for all 3! Register here now Or get more details here More inspiring words from a past apprentice: "I feel like progressed more in plant identification in the few weeks with Abby than the rest of my time as a forager." - Carolyn D.
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